Permanent Working Capital – Everything You Need To Know

Considering the growth potential and operational competency of businesses, working capital is an essential element. So, it becomes crucial for businesses to manage their efficacy to meet short-term needs and, at the same time, achieve future goals. Thus, it becomes significant for business owners to understand the concept of working capital. In simple words, there are two types of working capital: permanent and temporary.

Permanent working capital is the set of current assets that a business owner needs to maintain to run operations effectively. On the other hand, temporary working capital is the working capital, the excess amount a business requires after the permanent capital. Here, in this post, we describe everything about fixed working capital.

What Do You Mean By Permanent Working Capital?

A business owner may experience challenges managing daily expenses. Besides, there’s constant pressure associated with covering payroll, inventory, and other costs. This is where you must be concerned about understanding the basics of permanent working capital. 

Permanent working capital is also known as fixed working capital. It is the fixed money required for covering essential business expenses. This consistent amount may change in case the enterprise grows or increases regular expenses.

A business’s fixed working capital fluctuates only when there’s a change in the operations. However, a company must maintain its fixed working capital to survive in the eCommerce world. Thus, it is important to calculate the budget.

How Do You Calculate Fixed Working Capital? 

Calculating how much money your company needs as a fixed working capital is daunting. But with the given calculation, your process gets more simplified. 

  • Firstly, you need to determine your organisation’s net working capital per day
  • After this, enlist the daily values of the net working capital and find the least number. 

That number is the total fixed working capital of the month. A business owner may monitor changes to check how they link to other parameters. It goes without saying that the financial value may change from one time to another depending on the liabilities, assets, and growth.

What Are the 2 Different Types of Fixed Working Capital?

Your business might fail to achieve desirable results without sufficient capital. Inadequate budgeting and unnecessary loans to maintain fixed working capital may also lead to failure. So, a business has to implement smart strategies to ensure paying bills at the right time without delay. You can get an in-depth understanding of the types of fixed working capital. So, here’s the list of the two different types (reserve working capital and regular working capital):

1. Reserve Working Capital

Sudden crises and surprises are part and parcel of a business. Regardless of how meticulously you create your financial strategies, inevitable scenarios will come one day or another. Some of these crucial instances include increased rent amount, damaged inventory arrival, abandoned outstanding balance, or unexpected fall in sales.

During these scenarios, when you need fast cash, reserve working capital comes to your rescue. It serves as the emergency fund for the above occurrences. Take time and ensure that you have backup funds. You can maintain reserve working capital, which is a great business practice. 

2. Regular Working Capital

The minimum amount of capital required for your business is best referred to as regular working capital. The amount includes all the necessary expenses required for business operations for daily purposes, including loan payments, rent,  payroll, inventory, and even utilities. That’s why it is considered the permanent capital. In addition, it also includes expenses for subscriptions to software, work-related streaming solutions, and regular supplies. 

Why Do Businesses Need to Consider Fixed Working Capital?

Maintaining operations on a continuous basis is important for businesses. That’s the reason why businesses should not undermine the importance of permanent working capital, which indicates the bare minimum defined as current assets over the liabilities a business has, even during crucial times. Take the example of a business that does not have the required cash to pay suppliers or salaries to employees, for instance.

In such circumstances, a business has no other options besides shutting down. So, fixed working capital has a significant role to play in business growth. A sufficient amount of permanent working capital gives an organisation an opportunity to invest in business equipment, recruit new employees, and expand its operations. 

What Are the Parameters Influencing Fixed Working Capital?

Fixed working capital is influenced by a few factors. We will now determine these parameters that impact an organisation’s requirements for fixed working capital:

  1. When the business faces seasonal or sudden fluctuations, it might need additional working capital. It may occur during peak or off seasons. 
  2. Based on the business activities, the amount of working capital varies from one industry to another. For instance, retail or trading businesses need less working capital than manufacturers because they have shorter operating cycles when compared to other industries like wholesale enterprises.
  3. If the company offers extended payment policies and terms, it may need additional working capital. 
  4. Businesses that aim to expand their operations might require more permanent working capital than earlier. So, growth is a significant parameter.
  5. The next most important parameter is inflation. Imagine a situation when the price increases, and with that, the production expense also witnesses an upsurge. That means more money is required for the business. 
  6. Operating efficiency also has a significant impact on the change in the amount of fixed working capital. Establishments that manage inventory, payables, and receivables without hassles might need less amount of permanent working capital.

Raising product prices helps companies improve cash flow. However, one should remember that the rising costs may affect the working capital of the business in different ways.

How Can A Company Manage Fixed Working Capital?

A company can improve and manage fixed working capital in various ways to strive for success. We have enlisted some ways for an establishment to improve fixed working capital:

  • Securing a loan with asset financing that uses an establishment’s assets as collateral, like inventory or accounts receivable 
  • Equity financing for raising funds by selling ownership shares to the investors
  • Debt financing, where the company can borrow money from lenders such as financial institutions and banks

Wrapping up

In a nutshell, fixed or permanent working capital may change with the alterations made in the business activities. However, the requirement for a business to meet the demands of fixed working capital won’t change ever. So, as you have seen what is permanent working capital and its importance, it’s time to choose the right ways to boost business growth. 


1. What are the pros of a company taking a loan for fixed working capital?

The company can take a loan for fixed working capital as it can benefit in the following ways:

  • Maintaining stable operations, irrespective of the revenue fluctuations
  • Permanent working capital increases business flexibility to respond to sudden opportunities or unwanted expenses 
  • Reduces risks associated with bankruptcy 
  • Improves the organisation’s creditworthiness and makes it more stable

2. What are the differences between temporary and fixed working capital?

Permanent or fixed working capital is the level of assets required for the company to operate. On the other hand, temporary working capital is the additional expense in addition to the fixed working capital. 

3. What is the ultimate tenure of fixed working capital?

Permanent working capital is the amount a business requires to operate for more than a fiscal year. It is also referred to as fixed working capital or long-term working capital.

4. How do you determine the amount of fixed working capital?

To calculate the minimum amount of fixed working capital, all you need is to assess the minimum level of the current asset. Identify each current asset’s minimum level needed for supporting the ongoing operational activities of your business. 

5. Will fixed working capital remain constant for your company?

No, the amount of fixed working capital may vary from one business circumstance to another depending on the requirements.

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