What is a payment voucher, its types, and its importance?

In finance and business, payment vouchers are essential in ensuring smooth transactions between parties. But before we delve into the details of payment vouchers, it is important to know what exactly is a payment voucher and why it is so important. 

So, let’s explore all about payment vouchers in detail through this post.

Payment Voucher Meaning

A payment voucher in GST is just a memorandum of business liabilities. That means it acts as a record of the company’s payment to all suppliers for every purchase they make. However, they are prepared by accounting departments by matching the supplier’s invoice.

Moreover, it also serves as evidence of a transaction that shows all the essential information about the payment, like the payee’s name, the amount paid, the date of payment, and the purpose.

What are the Types of Payment Voucher Format?

Small enterprises and businesses have a limited number of bank and cash transactions because they can use a single voucher format to record all types of payments. But if the business is large, they need two types of payment voucher format to do the transactions. They are: –

1. Vouchers for bank payments

If the cash payment is done via a business firm or any of its bankers, then they have to use bank voucher book format, or you can say payment vouchers.

2. Vouchers for cash payments

The cash voucher is to make payment in cash by the firm.

What are the details included in the Payment Vouchers?

The payment voucher in GST include the following details: –

  • Supplier detail invoice
  • Terms of payment like the amount needed to be paid, the due date of payment, full address, any discounts, etc.
  • Details of the supplier or the vendor, like full name, address, email, phone number, etc
  • Payment made to the supplier
  • Products or service descriptions
  • The fiscal year’s unique serial number, which is not more than 16 characters
  • Proof of payment and actual date of payment of the supplier invoice
  • Signature of the authorized person 
  • Most of the payment vouchers also contain expiration dates along with terms and conditions.

What is the Importance of Payment Vouchers?

The payment vouchers are an essential document that helps the business in various ways. They are: –

1. Record Keeping

Payment vouchers act as vital records for companies that help them maintain a systematic record of all their financial transactions. However, this organized documentation is essential for auditing and financial analysis.

2. Transparency and Accountability

By offering details of each payment made, vouchers promote transparency within the organization. Moreover, they also enhance accountability, ensuring that every expenditure is justified and authorized.

3. Compliance

In many nations, businesses must maintain proper financial records, including payment vouchers, to comply with taxation and auditing regulations. However, failure to do so can result in legal consequences.

4. Budget Management

Next, payment vouchers aid in tracking expenses and managing budgets effectively. On top of that, businesses can analyze their payment patterns and identify areas where cost-saving measures can be implemented.

5. Preventing Fraud

Proper documentation through payment vouchers helps prevent fraudulent activities within an organization. However, it is a deterrent since every transaction is recorded and can be easily tracked back to its source.

What is the Main Difference Between a Payment Voucher and a Receipt?


Aspect Payment Voucher Receipt
Purpose Authorizes and records payments made by a company. Acknowledges that payment has been received by the seller.
Issued By Issued by the paying organization as proof of payment authorization. Issued by the seller or service provider to the customer as a proof of payment.
Recipient Usually kept by the payer (organization) for Kept by the payee (seller or service provider)
Internal record-keeping. For their records and accounting purposes.
Information Included – Payee’s name and details. – Seller’s name and details.
– Payment amount and currency. – Payment amount and currency.
– Payment date. – Date of the transaction.
– Purpose of the payment. – Description of goods or services provided.
Function Authorizes and documents the payment made by the company. Receipt voucher format serves as proof that payment has been made for Goods or services received.
Legal Requirements Often required by tax authorities and regulatory bodies for both auditing and compliance. Essential for tax purposes and may also be used in legal disputes to prove the transaction.

The Bottom Line

Payment voucher sample are an indispensable tool that helps businesses track their finances easily. However, by understanding the significance of payment vouchers, businesses can streamline their financial processes and build a strong foundation for sustainable growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the payment voucher of business work as a receipt?

According to the accountant experts, a payment voucher works as a request for payment to the supplier. On the other hand, a receipt is the confirmation of the payment made to the supplier.

Moreover, a payment voucher is issued by the company before the final payment is made, while the receipt is issued after the payment is done.

2. What is the main aim of a payment voucher? 

It offers records of all the financial transactions of the business. That means payment vouchers are recorded for every translation done by the business.

3. What is a payment voucher?

It is a crucial business document for various payments like direct bank transactions, cash transactions, etc.

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