What is a receipt and payment account? Features, format, and how it is prepared

Payment and receipt accounts play a crucial role in the financial management of businesses and individuals. However, these accounts are fundamental components of accounting systems that offer a clear record of all business financial transactions. 

In this article, we will explore payment and receipt account in detail.

What is Receipt and Payment Account?

This account works as a summary of both cash payments and receipts of the company during a particular accounting period. That means it offers a clear picture or position of cash of a Not-for-Profit business. 

Moreover, this account does not differentiate between the receipts and the payments, no matter what its nature. On top of that, it does not include any of the non-cash transactions in the form of depreciation. 

Features of Receipts and Payment Account

1. It is a basis for recording.

All the transactions, along with events done in receipt and payment accounts, are done via cash and are recorded on a cash basis of accounting.

2. Adjustments

It is not based on an accrual system of accounting. In simple words, it records transactions that are done in cash.

3. Purpose

This account offers a clear idea of the cash position of the company. That means it clearly states the opening and closing balances of cash with the business and in the bank for specific accounting periods.

4. Recording of transactions

The receipt and payment account easily records transactions related to capital and revenue nature.

5. Nature

It is also known as a real account and is a classified summary of both cash receipts and cash payments.

Format for Receipt And Payment Account

Receipts Amount (Rs.) Payments Amount (Rs.)
Balance b/d Balance b/d (overdraft)
  Cash in hand Wages and Salaries
  Cash at bank Rent
Subscriptions Rates and Taxes
General Donations Insurance
Sales of newspaper Printing and Stationery
Sale of Sports materials Advertisement
Interest on fixed deposits Sundry expenses
Interest in investments Telephone charges
Locker rent Entertainment expenses
Sales of scraps Audit Fees
Received from charity Honorarium
Miscellaneous receipts Repairs and Renewals
Sale of Investments Purchase of Assets
Sale of Fixed Assets Purchase of Investments
Life Membership Fees Balance c/d
Entrance fees   Cash in hand
Balance c/d (overdraft)   Cash at bank
xxx xxx

Solved Receipt And Payment Account Format

Receipts Amount Payments Amount
Balance b/d Rent 1500
Cash 500 Sports material purchased 2400
Bank 3600 Maintenance expenses 1000
Subscriptions Salary 1250
2016-17                       250 Tournament expenses 1200
2017-18                 3800 Furniture purchased 750
2018-19                 450 4500 Office expenses 600
Sale of refreshments 500 Purchase of refreshment 300
Entrance fees 500 Balance c/d
Donation received 2300 Cash 200
Sale of old sports materials 600 Bank (bal. figure) 3300
12500 12500

How is Receipt and Payment Account Prepared?

It is prepared by taking out all the receipts and payment from the business cash book for the year. Here, if you talk about a cash book, each and every item is recorded separately and in chronological order. But, in the receipts and payment account, business transactions are recorded in classified form. 

Let’s understand how it is prepared: –

  1. First of all, the title of the account is prepared and written in the format shown above.
  2. After that, write the opening cash and bank balances right at the top and on the left-hand side.
  3. Now, add all the business receipts as per the dates under the same head.
  4. Also, add all the business payments done on varied dates in the same head. However, while filling this head, you can also use a separate sheet.
  5. Ensure to write the total of each and every head of receipts on the left side and the total of these on the right side.
  6. Now subtract all payments from the receipts and get the closing balance.

What is the Difference Between the Receipt and Payment Account and Cash Book?

Aspect Receipt & Payment Account Cash Book
Nature Summary of actual receipts and payments. Detailed record of all cash and bank transactions.
Contents Records only cash and bank transactions. Records cash, bank, and discount allowed/received transactions.
Purpose Provides an overview of cash and bank flows. Offers detailed information on every transaction.
Recording Method Only records cash and bank items. Records both cash and bank transactions as well as discounts.
Account Type It is a nominal account. It includes both nominal and real accounts.
Frequency of Posting Typically maintained on an annual basis. Regularly updated, often daily or weekly.
Usage Primarily used by clubs, societies, and nonprofits. Widely used by businesses and individuals for daily financial management.
Details Provides a summary, lacking transaction details. Offers specific details for each transaction, including dates, parties involved, and amounts.
Analysis Limited analysis capability due to summary nature. Allows in-depth financial analysis and reconciliation.

Tips to Study Receipt and Payment Account

1. Observe Trends

Ensure to keep an eye on your account activities. That means if you watch any decrease in funds and no new money is coming, that shows financial trouble. On the other hand, increasing transactions means your business is growing. So, analyze trends to make informed decisions.

2. Specify Your Search

Next, understand what information you need from the business payment and receipt account. After that, determine the time frame (last week or month) and the transaction amount (for example, above ₹1,000) you are interested in.

3. Track Regular Payments

Monitor regular payments like loan repayments or rent. Also, ensure these payments are made on time to avoid issues and maintain good financial standing.

4. Match Receipts with Payments

Don’t forget to double-check that the receipts correctly match the payments. The reason is large discrepancies could indicate fraud. However, if you notice any irregularities, report them to the finance department immediately.

5. Monitor Unusual Transactions

Be vigilant about unique transactions, like significant investments or purchases. Also, record these transactions carefully for future reference and management.

6. Maintain Up-to-Date Records

Keep accurate and current records of your payment and receipt account. Regular updates ensure you know your financial situation and can make informed decisions.

7. Review Notes Frequently

Regularly review your notes about payment and receipt accounts. Any kind of repetition helps reinforce your understanding and makes the information easier to remember and use effectively.

8. Compare with Budgeted Numbers

Compare the actual data of the business accounts with your budgeted numbers. However, this comparison helps you assess your financial progress. If you’re not on track, consider adjustments, possibly cutting down on expenses, especially if you plan to take a loan soon.

By following these steps and staying vigilant about your payment and receipt accounts, you can manage the business finances effectively and make sound financial decisions for your business or personal needs.

The Bottom Line

This is all about receipts and payment accounts. However, this account records all the amount the business gets and pays for the accounting year. Apart from that, receipts and payments account format also shows the business’s real cash position.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to prepare receipts and payment accounts?

This account is prepared by getting all the invoices and payment details from the business cash book for the year.

2. Which type of account is receipt and payment?

It is called a real account.

3. How to find receipts and payments?

The left-hand side of the account is known as receipts, and the right side is called a payments account. That means all the cash receipts are written on the left side, while all cash payments are recorded on the right-hand side.

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